Our Mission Statement

Mission: To advance gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy.

Vision: Equity for all.

Values: Nonpartisan. Fact-based. Integrity. Inclusion and Intersectionality.

Diversity: In principle and in practice, AAUW values and seeks an inclusive membership, workforce, leadership team, and board of directors. There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of age, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, geographical location, national origin, race, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status.

AAUW San Antonio Strategic Plan 2024-2025:

The mission of AAUW San Antonio is to advance equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, and research.  Our strategic plan focuses on four areas of work that follow AAUW National and Texas priorities and strategies.  These are:  Education and Training; Economic Security; Leadership; and Governance and Sustainability. With the adoption of this plan by the SA Board of Directors on November 12, 2020, we are now poised, together, to achieve our goals to advance gender equity and realize our vision of Equity for All.

EDUCATION AND TRAINING – Address the barriers and biases preventing the advancement of women and girls.

GOAL A:  Ensure members obtain training in diversity and inclusion as a program element.

  1. Include speakers to address members on diversity and inclusion.
  2. Participate with Texas and National AAUW conference calls on these topics.

GOAL B:  Monitor and report on the Texas legislature’s actions impacting education and well-being of women and girls.

  1. Regularly update members on the status of legislation and actions affecting women and girls.
  2. Actively engage members in participating in visits to the Texas legislature to provide responses to actions proposed or taken by the legislature.
  3. Engage other organizations in the goals and objectives of AAUW.
  4. Maintain committees to address the funding of graduate and textbook scholarships for local women.
  5. Conduct outreach to colleges/universities to promote scholarship and advance the mutual benefits for them and AAUW

ECONOMIC SECURITY – Ensure the physical and economic security of women and girls

GOAL A:  Increase the means by which women can improve their economic security and equity.

  1. Include a link to Work Smart Online on the AAUW SA website.
  2. Encourage C/U affiliates to provide Start Smart to their students.
  3. Promote and support members in training through Work Smart.

GOAL B:  Reduce the pay gap between women and men.

  1. Include information in monthly meetings and on the branch website on the consequences of pay inequity, the increase of the pay gap over time, and the impact of pay inequities for racial groups.
  2. Recognize the various Equal Pay Days and encourage branch participation.
  3. Provide written and oral input on Texas legislation related to women’s economic security, including Two-Minute Activist.

LEADERSHIP – Close the gender gap in leadership opportunities

GOAL A:  Encourage and actively support women to run for public office, especially locally.

  1. Share information on organizations that train, support, and appoint women in governing and advisory boards.
  2. Share information about organizations that train women to run for public office.

GOVERNANCE AND SUSTAINABILITY – Ensure the strength and viability of AAUW into the future.

GOAL A:  Promote the Legacy Circle program.

  1. Inform members and promote the Legacy Circle program.
  2. Recognize branch and Texas Legacy Circle members.

GOAL B:  Sustain AAUW SA branch membership at a minimum of 90%.

  1. Participate in AAUW Texas and National conference calls/virtual meetings for programs, membership, funds, and public policy consistently, enhancing communication at state and branch levels of AAUW.
  2. Target $30 per member for Greatest Needs contributions per year.
  3. Identify potential branch leaders; use clear job descriptions for Board members and interest group chairs; and offer members leadership opportunities through the Nominating Committee.
  4. Continue posting newsletters and current information on the AAUW SA website, including videos of monthly meeting guest speakers.
  5. Ensure stewardship of branch funds through the branch Finance Committee, Funds Chair, and the Board, following bylaws and policies regarding managing resources.